VAT Expert in Europe

Selling in Europe with Incoterm DDP. Eurofiscalis handle your VAT registration & declarations | I want to learn more

VAT Expert in Europe
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VAT Expert in Europe

Selling in Europe with Incoterm DDP. Eurofiscalis handle your VAT registration & declarations | I want to learn more

Selling in Europe with Incoterm DDP.

Eurofiscalis handle your VAT registration & declarations

I want to learn more

Subcontract your DES (European declaration of services) to a specialized firm

European Declaration of Services (DES)

Since January 1, 2010, French companies providing services to companies established in other Member States of the European Community, must establish a “European declaration of services” (DES) which will summarize the operations performed. On this page, we detail everything you need to know to file your declarations or subcontract them.

représentation fiscale

Outsource your European service declarations

Are you tired of wasting time with your DES declarations? Rely on our firm specialized in these declarations and focus on the important tasks… the development of your business!

Your issues
Our solutions
déclaration tva

What is the European Declaration of Service | The DES

The European declaration of services and the declaration equivalent to the Intrastat, for the supply of services. Commonly called the DES, it includes all the services sold between a French taxable person and a taxable person established in another member state of the European Union.


When you sell a service to a company located in the EU, you issue a reverse charge invoice. All these invoices must be included in the DES.

Who is subject to the European service declaration in France?

All taxable businesses providing intra-Community services, with the exception of the following services, are subject to the ESD:

Are you subject to the DES as a self-employed contractor?

In order to be able to file an EOB, either on paper or online, you must have an intra-community VAT number. Self-employed entrepreneurs must ask themselves if they are obliged to obtain this VAT number and to submit to the EHR? Please note that if you provide services to companies located in the European Union (outside France), regardless of the amount of your transactions, you must apply for an intra-Community VAT number and file a European service declaration!

Where to deposit your DES?

You can submit your declarations online on the customs website or via the paper form.


The easiest way is to do it online. First you have to create a prodouane account. The creation of the account is free.


The online European service declaration (ESD) allows French companies selling services to EU Member States to enter online and transmit to the relevant customs department the information related to their transactions.


This online service also allows you to:

When to submit your DES?

Each year, the customs administration provides a calendar indicating the deadline for the submission of European service declarations.


The reference period is the month in which the VAT became chargeable in the customer’s Member State and the SED must be submitted by the tenth working day of the following month.


In case you have nothing to declare, you can submit a nil declaration, but be aware that it is not mandatory.


Find here the official calendar >>.

tva et eori gb

Call on our firm to handle your DES

Make an appointment via video conference with a member of our team to discuss your needs.

Our customers are talking about us 🔥

Hundreds of companies choose Eurofiscalis to help them in their development in Europe. Listen to the testimonial of our client, we assist them in managing their intra-community VAT

To be listened to without

Why use our Service to be your tax representative / tax agent?

Eurofiscalis is an international tax company specialising in tax representation. Our experts (statutory auditors, accountants, lawyers) speak 3 languages and will take care of all tax obligations on behalf of your company. European tax law and related aspects are a critical issue in a company’s development on the international arena, which is why we establish long-term relations based on trust.

Analysis of your tax obligations

Analysis of your flows and compliance with VAT, intrastat, invoices, customs

VAT registration

Processing and submission of your VAT registration

Getting your local number

Getting your local and EORI numbers

formation guichet unique

Simplified customer/supplier bookkeeping

Submission of your VAT returns

Filing of your periodic VAT and Intrastat returns

Contact with the authorities

Single point of contact with local authorities

Countries where we offer the service of fiscal representative

Western Europe
Eastern Europe
Northern Europe
Southern Europe

Call on our firm to handle your DES

Use our service and outsource the management of your European service declarations.