How to check customs code and VAT rate in Benelux?
If you have ever had a doubt about which VAT rate to use on your product or maybe what customs code is the correct one – in this article we will provide you with the official search tools for Benelux countries – Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. They are a trustful and easy way to find all the information you need in no time.
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What is a customs code and why do I need it?
The Customs Code is a numerical value that serves as a distinctive identifier for a specific product category in international trade. Its purpose is to streamline the customs transit process of goods that are categorized using a globally standardized nomenclature system.
In the European Union, the customs code that is used for classifying goods is the CN Code = Combined Nomenclature. The Combined Nomenclature (CN) serves the purpose of categorizing goods and is designed to fulfill the demands of both the Common Customs Tariff and the EU’s external trade statistics. Moreover, the CN is also utilized for the purpose of intra-EU trade statistics.
The full list of the CN codes can be found in the Official Journal of the European Union L.282/5, published on 31.10.2022.
However, the list is so extensive, that it might take you some time to find the right code for your specific product. Luckily in the tools that we are linking below, there is an easy way to just type the type of your product and quickly find the right CN code.
How can I check the VAT rate in Benelux ?
With the help of the customs code, it will be really easy for you to check the VAT Rate of a specific product in a specific country. In this section we will focus on VAT Rates in Benelux Countries : Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg and give you links to tools that can help you quickly find the VAT rate of your specific product.
For VAT rates in other countries – feel free to check out our article with a summary of VAT rates in all the EU in 2023.
VAT Rate in Benelux : Belgium
Belgium currently has three VAT rates:
- 21 %: Standard rate – it applies to most goods.
- 12% : First reduced rate – it applies, among other things, to: certain foods, restaurant and catering services, social housing, phytopharmaceutical products and many more
- 6% : Second reduced rate – it applies, among other things, to : medicine, certain foods, certain printed and electronic publications, supply of water through pipelines, works of art, passenger transportation services
Belgium also has a special 0% VAT rate that applies to, among other things: certain transactions involving goods placed in a customs warehouse, cross-border passenger transportation (by sea or land), certain electronic publications.
If you would like to check the VAT of your specific product, by using it’s CN Customs Code, you can use this free tool provided by Belgian administration: TARBEL.
You simply need to click on Tarrif Consultation-> Tarrif Browser -> Type your nomenclature code and you will find all different customs and VAT rate applied in Belgium for that specific product.
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VAT Rate in Benelux : the Netherlands
The Netherlands currently has two VAT Rates:
- 21% : Standard rate – it applies to most goods.
- 9% : Reduced VAT rate – it applies, among other things, to: Food products, water supply, certain pharmaceutical products, some type of equipment for the disabled, hotel accommodation services, passenger transportation services and many others.
The special VAT rate of 0% in the Netherlands applies to certain types of passenger transportation. It also applies to the partial activities of writers and composers.
If you would like to check the VAT of your specific product, by using it’s CN Customs Code, you can use this free tool provided by the Dutch administration: Douane Belastingdienst Tarriff
VAT Rate in Benelux : Luxembourg
In 2023, the VAT rates in Luxembourg have been lowered temporarily by the government.
The current VAT rates in Luxembourg are:
- 16%: Standard rate – it applies to most goods.
- 13% : First reduced rate – it applies, among other things, to : certain types of wine, certain types of fuel and energy products, advertising brochures and others
- 7% : Second reduced rate – it applies, among other things, to: Certain types of energy (such as electricity and gas), sales of flowers or other floral products, bicycle repair services, hairdressing services
- 3% : Super reduced rate – it applies, among other things, to: food products, medicines and pharmaceuticals, books, magazines and newspapers, children’s clothing and footwear, restaurant and catering services, passenger transportation and others
If you would like to check the VAT of your specific product, by using it’s CN Customs Code, you can use this free tool provided by the Luxembourg administration: ArcticTARIFF
Schedule a free consultation with our expert in VAT in Benelux countries
How to check VAT rates and customs code in Benelux: Conclusion
In conclusion, if you have a doubt about a VAT rate of your product in Benelux countries, you can use the below tools to find the right rate. The tools can also help you with finding the CN customs codes of your product as well as calculating, for example, the import duties.
Belgium | TARBEL |
The Netherlands | Douane Belastingdienst Tarriff |
Luxembourg | ArcticTARIFF |
Get in touch with our Eurofiscalis Benelux Team
Rising VAT rockstar at Eurofiscalis I have a passion for unraveling the complexities of VAT regulations in the European Union (especially Benelux region). My mission is to empower readers to navigate the ever-changing VAT landscape with ease and to answer your questions in a clear and concise way.
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