VAT Expert in Europe

Selling in Europe with Incoterm DDP. Eurofiscalis handle your VAT registration & declarations | I want to learn more

VAT Expert in Europe
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VAT Expert in Europe

Selling in Europe with Incoterm DDP. Eurofiscalis handle your VAT registration & declarations | I want to learn more

Selling in Europe with Incoterm DDP.

Eurofiscalis handle your VAT registration & declarations

I want to learn more

base VIES
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How to check an intra-community VAT number EU?

Do you want to know how to check an intra-community VAT number? You are in the right place! We offer you a quick and easy way to verify a VAT number in one of the 27 EU member states and in Northern Ireland. We also inform you of the reflexes to adopt when the number is invalid.


To confirm the validity of a customer’s or supplier’s intra-Community VAT number, nothing could be easier: select the country in which it is registered and then enter the VAT number to be validated.

Table of Contents

Check the validity of an intra-community VAT number EU

Le numéro de TVA intracommunautaire est Valide Invalide

Validation du numéro de TVA par le VIES :
Etat membre :
Numéro de TVA :
Nom de l'entreprise :
Adresse :

Consult our table below to check that the structure of the VAT number corresponds to the format in force in your country. Then report it to your customer or supplier, an invalid result does not necessarily mean that your partner is in bad faith. It is important to know that VAT registration systems vary from country to country: it may be that the company has a VAT number in its country but that it has not been activated for intra-Community transactions, or simply that it has not yet been integrated into the databases used by the VIES system (VAT Information Exchange System). If the company confirms its VAT identification but the number is invalid, you will have to ask it for proof before invoicing VAT and making your declarations (DEB, DES, Intrastats): ask it to contact the tax authorities of its country.

What is the purpose of the VIES system?

Our VAT number verification tool uses the same databases as the VIES system. What is it about? VIES is a search engine set up by the European Commission. It verifies the validity of intra-Community VAT numbers by drawing on the databases of the 27 EU countries and Northern Ireland. Each Member State lists the companies identified for VAT purposes in their country, particularly for intra-Community trade in goods and services. The VIES tool makes it possible to link these national databases: it is a unique tool allowing to check the intra-Community VAT numbers registered in 28 countries (EU and Northern Ireland).

What is an intra-community VAT number EU?

It is an individual identification number assigned to all European companies that have to pay VAT: all taxable persons in the EU have an intra-community VAT number in their country. It is assigned by the national tax authorities (the SIE in France) when the company is registered or according to its activities.

The intra-community VAT number is therefore individual, per company and per country. Each taxable person is identified for VAT purposes in his own country, but may also have VAT numbers in other Member States depending on the operations they carry out.

The tax agent: the star of intra-community VAT in EU

Eurofiscalis takes care of your VAT registrations and declarations in all European Union countries.

What is the structure of the intra-Community VAT numbers?

The structure of intra-Community VAT numbers is different in each country. Before using our validation tool, you can first check that your customer’s VAT number respects the format in force in his Member State.

Structure of the intra-Community VAT numbers in the 27 Member States

Composition numéro tva ic
numéro tva intra






9 digits 



Letter U + 8 digits 



number 0 + 9 digits 



9 or 10 digits 



8 digits + letter L 



11 digits 



8 digits



9 characters

(the 1st or last character can be a letter: ES format X9999999X)



9 digits 



8 digits 



2 digits (computer key) + 9 digits (SIREN) 



9 digits 



8 digits 



7 digits + 1 ou 2 letters 



11 digits 



11 digits 



9 or 12 digits 



8 digits 



8 digits 



11 digits + letter B 



10 digits 



9 digits 

Czech Republic


8, 9 or 10 digits 



2 to 10 digits 



10 digits 



8 digits 



12 digits 

The tax agent: the star of intra-community VAT in EU

Eurofiscalis takes care of your VAT registrations and declarations in all European Union countries.

Northern Ireland VAT Number Structure

Do you have a customer or supplier in Northern Ireland who has provided you with a VAT number beginning with “XI”? You should know that even though they have left the EU, these Irish companies are still subject to the intra-Community VAT system for goods. When they trade goods with companies established in the EU, they receive a specific intra-Community VAT number starting with the new country code “XI” created with the Brexit. Thus, when you sell goods to a customer in Northern Ireland, he must therefore send you a VAT number that respects the following structure:


Country code « XI » + 9 digits


Our tool allows you to check the validity of these VAT XI numbers.

What is the purpose of an intra-community VAT number?

Your VAT number must appear on your invoices, on your VAT declarations as well as on your declarations of exchanges of goods or services made with other EU Member States. VAT identification is indeed mandatory for all intra-Community transactions you carry out.


Why this obligation ? In the framework of your intra-Community deliveries in B2B, you must issue an invoice without VAT: the VAT is self-assessed by your customer in his country. To be able to invoice without VAT, you must respect the three conditions defined by the Quick Fixes 2020:

If your customer has not given you his VAT number or if it is invalid, you cannot invoice without VAT: you must issue an invoice with the VAT of your country.

This VAT rule requires that the supplier has a VAT number in the country of departure, and the customer in the country where the goods are delivered. If you are shipping goods from another member state, you will have to identify yourself for VAT in that country. This is also the case if you make local sales, stock transfers or imports into another EU country.


In general, you must have an intra-Community VAT number in all the Member States where you are liable for VAT and where you are subject to declarative obligations (local and Intrastat VAT declarations).

How to obtain a VAT number in another Member State?

You can apply for an intra-Community VAT number in another Member State by contacting the local tax authorities. The procedures vary from country to country. You can also use fiscal representation. This is an obligation if you are established in a third country such as Switzerland. The tax representative or agent will take care of your VAT registration and all your tax and declaration obligations in this country.

Are you looking for a Tax Representative or an Agent?

Our team offers you a free and non-binding appointment to analyze your needs